Martes, Hulyo 26, 2011


Sometimes we ignore arguments as a obvious part of a relationship. But did you know that constant arguments can be one of the unhappy relationship signs? To know some of the most common signs of unhealthy relationship signs, I suggest you to read on...

Signs of an Unhappy Relationship

Constant Fights: This is one of the most common signs of an unhappy relationship signs. When a person is in an unhappy relationship, he starts disagreeing with almost everything his partner says.

Unhappy with Each Other: There is a phase in every relationship, wherein the couple feels happy only when they are in each other's company. But when there relationship issues, one generally starts getting annoyed in each other's company. If only one of the both is unhappy, he/she starts despising everything his/her partner does.

Sharing: People automatically stop sharing things with their partner when they are unhappy with them. Excuses like its not his field, he won't understand etc. are given. These people do not realize that at the beginning of the relationship, things were shared even if it was not their partner's field. The confidence that the partner can understand whatever one says, is lost in an unhappy relationship. The fear of being judged also develops in an unhappy relationship.

Wrong Choice Questions: This is one of the important unhealthy relationship signs. If the questions like 'did I make the wrong choice' or 'did I ever love him/her' start popping in your head every now and then, unfortunately you are in an unhappy relationship. These kinds of questions only come up if you are not happy with your partner.

Ignorance: This is one of the most important unhappy relationship signs. Whenever you are angry or unhappy with a particular person, you automatically start ignoring him. If you are not much in contact with that person, ignorance is not much noticed. But in case of a couple, it is easily noticeable if they are living together. When one person starts ignoring, the other also follows the lead, as egos are hurt when anyone starts ignoring you deliberately. No one takes the initiative to understand the reason of the ignorance, which results in a cold and unhappy relationship!

These were some of the important unhappy relationship signs. Do not panic if the above mentioned signs are seen in your relationship too. Relationship advice for you will be to talk with your partner, avoid rude words, and let go of the mistakes that were committed in the past. These successful relationship tip will help you to get rid of the question, 'how to get out of an unhappy relationship?' With positive attitude and faith in your love, you will surely be able to overcome the unhappiness in the relation!